•Uso de MySql;
•Listagem de contas, chars, guilds, etc, no Microsoft Excel;
•Registro pelo Site;
•Trade, guild, friends;
•Chat com filtro insensitive;
•Comandos de chat para falar com guild e friends, whisper, e comandos de gm;
•Visual equipament online;
1.5.0 RC - 02/28/2010
•Database engine was changed to MySql;
•Rewritten all the communication protocol between server and client (more speed);
•Started the Global Events method;
•Added Global Clock (Day and Night System);
•Removed points to distribute when create a new character;
•Fixed minor bugs;
•Using Ruby 1.8.7-p249 on this server files;
1.1.1 - 12/30/2009
•Added Day and Night system;
•Fixed ABS bug;
•Fixed PM bug;
•Fixed minor bugs;
•Using Ruby 1.8.6-p383 on the server files;
Beta 1.10 – 12/23/2009
•Added Multi-languages option to server;
•Added NetABS RC
•Hud Remade, the new one causes much less lag;
•Removed PVP (it will be added again later);
•Fixed ABS between error;
•Fixed undefined ‘[]’ for nil class;
•Friends Window finished;
•Added PM system;
•Enhanced Skills Categories;
•Some codes rewritten;
•Fixed minor bug;
•Server window 70% rewritten;
•Enhanced admin panel on server side;
•Removed ‘Config’ script, now the things are configured on server side;
•Added Client Launcher;
Beta 1.0.9 – 10/09/2009
•Added Auto-Updater;
•Added + options to vocab;
•Added system icons;
•Added character managment on server window;
•Added Neoncube launcher to client;
•Added Visual Equipmen based on gender;
•Fixed uninitalized constant Config::Shop_Sell_Divide;
•Fixed a little bug of create character window (not finished);
•Fixed “Select Characters” button;
•Fixed minor bugs;
Beta 1.0.8 – 10/02/2009
•Fixed register password and email issues;
•WFixed Walk when click on text bar of chat window;
•Addded some configurations by server side;
•Fixed “undefined method ‘>’ for nil:NilClass”;
•Fixed shop shop sell items price;
•Fixed actor parametters;
•Fixed mouse cursor on monsters after kill then;
•Chat code enhanced;
•Fixed characters names on head don’t appear sometimes;
•Added options window;
•Fixes minor bugs;
Beta 1.0.7 – 09/26/2009
•Started Quest System (Beta Stage yet);
•Widgets updated to 2.0;
•Actor creations fixed;
•Visual equip fixed;
•Online players don't appear sometimes fixed;
•Sistem Color.png error fixed;
•Chat box enhanced (Now with scrollbar);
•Moused based abs beta;
•Path finding beta;
•Fixes minor bugs;
Beta 1.0.6 – 09/23/2009
•Fixed check_value error;
•Fixed Hud Hotkeys and Character Status;
•Fixed chat on all map;
•Added option to choose the shop items price (the value that items price is divided);
•Fixed two sword styles actor and window equip;
•Fixed GM commands (/kick x, /suspend x, /ban x where x = player’s name);
•Fixed character creation;
•Fixed other minor bugs;
Beta 1.0.5 – 09/19/2009
•Added Self Switches Control (Need new database);
•Added Texts to Hud HP, MP and EXP;
•Added Amount Box to Trade;
•Amount box not needed if your item number <= 1;
•Fixed Armors sprites above events;
•Fixed minor bugs;
Beta 1.0.4 – 09/18/2009
•Added faces (must change the Database.sdf to new);
•Added Amount window to shop, inventory and warehouse;
•Fixed don’t save actor graphics when it changes;
•Fixed some bugs of In-game registration;
•Added Anti Sql-Injection on php registration;
•Fixed Vocab errors;
•Added easy setup-class creation;
•Added scrollbars for shop, inventory and trade window;
•Fixed more minor bugs;
Beta 1.0.3 – 09/17/2009
•Fixed Message Window;
•Fixed armors on trade window;
•Fixed Network players movement;
•Added Register In-game;
•Fixed php registration page;
•Fixed another equipments kinds (Boots, Gloves, Cape and Necklace);
•Added guide to change equips sprites and kinds;
•Fixed minor bugs;
Beta 1.0.2 – 09/15/2009
•Fixed Visual Equipment;
•Fixed windows don’t close when walk;
•Fixed Guild error;
•Fixed close chat box when press X and cast skills and items when type;
•Added message balloon;
•Added 1st part of PVP (can attack with weapons);
•Added Safe Areas to ABS (Areas where player will respawn when dies);
•Fixed minor bugs;
Beta 1.0.1 – 09-14/2009
•Fixed Message Window don’t appear;
•Fixed warehouse withdraw item disappear;
•Fixed teleport and player on map don’t disappear;
•Fixed Emotions;
•Fixed Game Over (Vampyr Net ABS start being build);
•Fixed some other minor bugs;
Beta 1.0.0 – 09/13/2009
•Server uses now, SQL Compact Edition;
•Server can generate a list of Accounts, characters, Guilds, etc in Microsoft Excel;
•Creation and exclusion of chars (5 chars per account);
•Switches and Variables save in Database;
•Guild System (Creation is based on Mu guild system);
•Trade system;
•Warehouse system;
•IP blocker;
•Admin can talk with players using the server window;
•Visual Equipment with online support;
•Block and Suspense system (Block is undefined days, Suspense is one week);
•Font color of chat and display name of GM and Admin is different of the others players;
•GM and Admin chat commands:
•Chat with case insensitive filter;
•Widgets (Windows enhancements identical to Windows Vista);
•Chat multi-colors (for Guild talk, whisper, friends talk, scream, etc…)
•Path Finding
•Skills window with separator of kinds of skills;
•Chat with filer case insensitive;
•Points distributions when level-up;
•Max level 999;
•Visual Equipment with online support and kinds of 8 equipments;
Download: http://www.4shared.com/file/247564872/444dedf5/Vampyr_Net_Gaming_15_RC.html
•Listagem de contas, chars, guilds, etc, no Microsoft Excel;
•Registro pelo Site;
•Trade, guild, friends;
•Chat com filtro insensitive;
•Comandos de chat para falar com guild e friends, whisper, e comandos de gm;
•Visual equipament online;
1.5.0 RC - 02/28/2010
•Database engine was changed to MySql;
•Rewritten all the communication protocol between server and client (more speed);
•Started the Global Events method;
•Added Global Clock (Day and Night System);
•Removed points to distribute when create a new character;
•Fixed minor bugs;
•Using Ruby 1.8.7-p249 on this server files;
1.1.1 - 12/30/2009
•Added Day and Night system;
•Fixed ABS bug;
•Fixed PM bug;
•Fixed minor bugs;
•Using Ruby 1.8.6-p383 on the server files;
Beta 1.10 – 12/23/2009
•Added Multi-languages option to server;
•Added NetABS RC
•Hud Remade, the new one causes much less lag;
•Removed PVP (it will be added again later);
•Fixed ABS between error;
•Fixed undefined ‘[]’ for nil class;
•Friends Window finished;
•Added PM system;
•Enhanced Skills Categories;
•Some codes rewritten;
•Fixed minor bug;
•Server window 70% rewritten;
•Enhanced admin panel on server side;
•Removed ‘Config’ script, now the things are configured on server side;
•Added Client Launcher;
Beta 1.0.9 – 10/09/2009
•Added Auto-Updater;
•Added + options to vocab;
•Added system icons;
•Added character managment on server window;
•Added Neoncube launcher to client;
•Added Visual Equipmen based on gender;
•Fixed uninitalized constant Config::Shop_Sell_Divide;
•Fixed a little bug of create character window (not finished);
•Fixed “Select Characters” button;
•Fixed minor bugs;
Beta 1.0.8 – 10/02/2009
•Fixed register password and email issues;
•WFixed Walk when click on text bar of chat window;
•Addded some configurations by server side;
•Fixed “undefined method ‘>’ for nil:NilClass”;
•Fixed shop shop sell items price;
•Fixed actor parametters;
•Fixed mouse cursor on monsters after kill then;
•Chat code enhanced;
•Fixed characters names on head don’t appear sometimes;
•Added options window;
•Fixes minor bugs;
Beta 1.0.7 – 09/26/2009
•Started Quest System (Beta Stage yet);
•Widgets updated to 2.0;
•Actor creations fixed;
•Visual equip fixed;
•Online players don't appear sometimes fixed;
•Sistem Color.png error fixed;
•Chat box enhanced (Now with scrollbar);
•Moused based abs beta;
•Path finding beta;
•Fixes minor bugs;
Beta 1.0.6 – 09/23/2009
•Fixed check_value error;
•Fixed Hud Hotkeys and Character Status;
•Fixed chat on all map;
•Added option to choose the shop items price (the value that items price is divided);
•Fixed two sword styles actor and window equip;
•Fixed GM commands (/kick x, /suspend x, /ban x where x = player’s name);
•Fixed character creation;
•Fixed other minor bugs;
Beta 1.0.5 – 09/19/2009
•Added Self Switches Control (Need new database);
•Added Texts to Hud HP, MP and EXP;
•Added Amount Box to Trade;
•Amount box not needed if your item number <= 1;
•Fixed Armors sprites above events;
•Fixed minor bugs;
Beta 1.0.4 – 09/18/2009
•Added faces (must change the Database.sdf to new);
•Added Amount window to shop, inventory and warehouse;
•Fixed don’t save actor graphics when it changes;
•Fixed some bugs of In-game registration;
•Added Anti Sql-Injection on php registration;
•Fixed Vocab errors;
•Added easy setup-class creation;
•Added scrollbars for shop, inventory and trade window;
•Fixed more minor bugs;
Beta 1.0.3 – 09/17/2009
•Fixed Message Window;
•Fixed armors on trade window;
•Fixed Network players movement;
•Added Register In-game;
•Fixed php registration page;
•Fixed another equipments kinds (Boots, Gloves, Cape and Necklace);
•Added guide to change equips sprites and kinds;
•Fixed minor bugs;
Beta 1.0.2 – 09/15/2009
•Fixed Visual Equipment;
•Fixed windows don’t close when walk;
•Fixed Guild error;
•Fixed close chat box when press X and cast skills and items when type;
•Added message balloon;
•Added 1st part of PVP (can attack with weapons);
•Added Safe Areas to ABS (Areas where player will respawn when dies);
•Fixed minor bugs;
Beta 1.0.1 – 09-14/2009
•Fixed Message Window don’t appear;
•Fixed warehouse withdraw item disappear;
•Fixed teleport and player on map don’t disappear;
•Fixed Emotions;
•Fixed Game Over (Vampyr Net ABS start being build);
•Fixed some other minor bugs;
Beta 1.0.0 – 09/13/2009
•Server uses now, SQL Compact Edition;
•Server can generate a list of Accounts, characters, Guilds, etc in Microsoft Excel;
•Creation and exclusion of chars (5 chars per account);
•Switches and Variables save in Database;
•Guild System (Creation is based on Mu guild system);
•Trade system;
•Warehouse system;
•IP blocker;
•Admin can talk with players using the server window;
•Visual Equipment with online support;
•Block and Suspense system (Block is undefined days, Suspense is one week);
•Font color of chat and display name of GM and Admin is different of the others players;
•GM and Admin chat commands:
•Chat with case insensitive filter;
•Widgets (Windows enhancements identical to Windows Vista);
•Chat multi-colors (for Guild talk, whisper, friends talk, scream, etc…)
•Path Finding
•Skills window with separator of kinds of skills;
•Chat with filer case insensitive;
•Points distributions when level-up;
•Max level 999;
•Visual Equipment with online support and kinds of 8 equipments;
Download: http://www.4shared.com/file/247564872/444dedf5/Vampyr_Net_Gaming_15_RC.html