Como ainda não tem nenhum sistema bom de pet global (para npmv3) eu achei um script que da pra fazer alguns pets e gostaria de por esse script no net play master v3, pesso a ajuda de vcs VLW AE!
# * Mr.Mo's SBABS
# Mr.Mo "Muhammet Sivri"
# Version 1.0
# 09.16.06
# This script lets you talk to your party members. To use it call a script;
# actor = $game_party.actors
# actor[0].message.push(["Message"])
# actor[1].message.push(["Message"])
# The numbers are the positions of the party members in the party.
# There are usually 4 members in a party and the count in scripting starts from
# 0. So you can go up to 0 to 3. If you have more members in party. You can do
# more.
# You can have more then one message for each party member. You can do;
# actor = $game_party.actors
# actor[0].message.push(["Message","Message2"])
# They will be displayed in order.
# You can also have different messages displayed on each talk;
# actor = $game_party.actors
# actor[0].message.push(["Message","Message2"],["New Message"])
# Now when the player talks to the member, the first messages displayed will be
# Message and Message2. Next time the player talk to the member, it will display
# New Message. Then it goes back to first.
# To have more then one line in a message, simply put an \n end to the message;
# actor = $game_party.actors
# actor[0].message.push(["Message\n Line 2 \n Line 3"])
# Would display;
# Message
# Line 2
# Line 3
# To delete all messages from the list;
# actor = $game_party.actors
# actor[0].messages = []
# To delete just a message list from the list;
# actor = $game_party.actors
# actor[0].message.push(["Message","Message2"])
# actor[0].messages.delete(["Message","Message2"])
# * Begin SDK Enable Test
if SDK.enabled?("Mr.Mo's ABS") == true
# * Class Mo ABS - DO NOT EDIT BELOW, if you don't know what you are doing :)
class MrMo_ABS
alias mrmo_ally_int_update update
# * Update(Frame)
def update
#Update ally interactions
# * Update(Frame)
def update_ally_interactions
# Loop in allies
for ally in $game_allies
next if ally == nil
next if !in_range?($game_player,ally,1) or !in_direction?($game_player,ally)
actor =
next if actor.messages == [] or actor.messages == nil
if Input::trigger?(Input::C) and !actor.message_showing
actor.message_index[0] = 0 if actor.message_index[0] >= actor.messages.size
# Set message text
message = actor.messages[actor.message_index[0]][actor.message_index[1]]
return if message == nil or message == ""
$game_temp.message_text = message.clone
actor.message_showing = true
$game_temp.message_window_showing = true
elsif actor.message_showing and !$game_temp.message_window_showing
actor.message_index[1] += 1
message = actor.messages[actor.message_index[0]][actor.message_index[1]]
if message == nil or message == ""
actor.message_showing = false
actor.message_index[1] = 0
actor.message_index[0] += 1
# Set message text
$game_temp.message_text = message.clone
$game_temp.message_window_showing = true
# ** Game_Actor
# This class handles the actor. It's used within the Game_Actors class
# ($game_actors) and refers to the Game_Party class ($game_party).
class Game_Actor < Game_Battler
attr_accessor :messages
attr_accessor :message_index
attr_accessor :message_showing
alias mrmo_ally_int_ga_initialize initialize
# * Setup
# actor_id : actor ID
def initialize(actor_id)
@messages = []
@message_index = [0,0]
@message_showing = false
# * Mr.Mo's SBABS
# Mr.Mo "Muhammet Sivri"
# Version 1.0
# 09.16.06
# This script lets you talk to your party members. To use it call a script;
# actor = $game_party.actors
# actor[0].message.push(["Message"])
# actor[1].message.push(["Message"])
# The numbers are the positions of the party members in the party.
# There are usually 4 members in a party and the count in scripting starts from
# 0. So you can go up to 0 to 3. If you have more members in party. You can do
# more.
# You can have more then one message for each party member. You can do;
# actor = $game_party.actors
# actor[0].message.push(["Message","Message2"])
# They will be displayed in order.
# You can also have different messages displayed on each talk;
# actor = $game_party.actors
# actor[0].message.push(["Message","Message2"],["New Message"])
# Now when the player talks to the member, the first messages displayed will be
# Message and Message2. Next time the player talk to the member, it will display
# New Message. Then it goes back to first.
# To have more then one line in a message, simply put an \n end to the message;
# actor = $game_party.actors
# actor[0].message.push(["Message\n Line 2 \n Line 3"])
# Would display;
# Message
# Line 2
# Line 3
# To delete all messages from the list;
# actor = $game_party.actors
# actor[0].messages = []
# To delete just a message list from the list;
# actor = $game_party.actors
# actor[0].message.push(["Message","Message2"])
# actor[0].messages.delete(["Message","Message2"])
# * Begin SDK Enable Test
if SDK.enabled?("Mr.Mo's ABS") == true
# * Class Mo ABS - DO NOT EDIT BELOW, if you don't know what you are doing :)
class MrMo_ABS
alias mrmo_ally_int_update update
# * Update(Frame)
def update
#Update ally interactions
# * Update(Frame)
def update_ally_interactions
# Loop in allies
for ally in $game_allies
next if ally == nil
next if !in_range?($game_player,ally,1) or !in_direction?($game_player,ally)
actor =
next if actor.messages == [] or actor.messages == nil
if Input::trigger?(Input::C) and !actor.message_showing
actor.message_index[0] = 0 if actor.message_index[0] >= actor.messages.size
# Set message text
message = actor.messages[actor.message_index[0]][actor.message_index[1]]
return if message == nil or message == ""
$game_temp.message_text = message.clone
actor.message_showing = true
$game_temp.message_window_showing = true
elsif actor.message_showing and !$game_temp.message_window_showing
actor.message_index[1] += 1
message = actor.messages[actor.message_index[0]][actor.message_index[1]]
if message == nil or message == ""
actor.message_showing = false
actor.message_index[1] = 0
actor.message_index[0] += 1
# Set message text
$game_temp.message_text = message.clone
$game_temp.message_window_showing = true
# ** Game_Actor
# This class handles the actor. It's used within the Game_Actors class
# ($game_actors) and refers to the Game_Party class ($game_party).
class Game_Actor < Game_Battler
attr_accessor :messages
attr_accessor :message_index
attr_accessor :message_showing
alias mrmo_ally_int_ga_initialize initialize
# * Setup
# actor_id : actor ID
def initialize(actor_id)
@messages = []
@message_index = [0,0]
@message_showing = false