DASH_KEY = Input::Letters["X"]
# You do not need to add the animation suffixes if you don't want the player
# to animate when attacking.
#Ranged Weapons
# RANGE_WEAPONS[Weapon_ID] = [Character Set Name, Move Speed, Animation, Range, Animation Suffix]
RANGE_WEAPONS[17] = ["Shuriken", 5, 103, 35, 10, "_bow"]
RANGE_WEAPONS[18] = ["FuumaShuriken", 5, 103, 54, 10]
RANGE_WEAPONS[19] = ["Shuriken", 5, 103, 35, 10]
RANGE_WEAPONS[20] = ["Shuriken", 5, 103, 35, 10]
RANGE_WEAPONS[21] = ["Balas", 5.5, 102, 41, 12]
RANGE_WEAPONS[22] = ["Balas", 5.5, 102, 41, 12]
RANGE_WEAPONS[23] = ["Balas", 5.5, 102, 41, 12]
RANGE_WEAPONS[24] = ["Balas", 5.5, 102, 41, 12]
#Ranged Weapons
# RANGE_SKILLS[Skill_ID] = [Range, Move Speed, Character Set Name]
RANGE_SKILLS[7] = [10, 5, "Fire"]
RANGE_SKILLS[8] = [15, 5, "fire02"]
#Ranged Explosives
# RANGE_EXPLODE[Skill_ID] = [Range, Move Speed, Character Set Name, Explosive Range]
RANGE_EXPLODE[8] = [10, 5, "Fire", 3]
RANGE_EXPLODE[9] = [15, 5, "fire02", 4]
#Skill Animations - Can also be used for Range_Explode
#I use _cast as an example, but it is not needed because by default every skill
#uses _cast. So if you are not using _cast for a skill add it here.
# SKILL_ANIMATION[Skill_ID] = Animation Suffix
SKILL_ANIMATION[7] = "_cast"
SKILL_ANIMATION[8] = "_cast"
SKILL_ANIMATION[9] = "_cast"