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Vocabulário em inglês/English vocabulary
Aldeia RPG :: VXA-OS Engine :: Recursos :: Scripts
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Vocabulário em inglês/English vocabulary
Compatibility: Version 2.1.7
Replace the client's [VS] Vocab script with:
Replace the client's [VS] Vocab script with:
- Código:
# ** Vocab
# This module deals with vocabulary. All texts displayed
# in the game are here.
# Author: Valentine
module Vocab
# Login and account creation
Username = 'Username'
Password = 'Password'
RepeatPassword = 'Repeat password:'
Email = 'Email:'
Remember = 'Remember?'
Register = 'Register'
Connect = 'Connect'
NewAcc = 'Register'
Login = 'Log in'
# Character creation and selection
NotVIP = 'You are not VIP'
VIP = 'You have %s VIP days.'
Name = 'Name'
Sex = 'Sex:'
Class = 'Class:'
Graphic = 'Graphic:'
Points = 'Points:'
Male = 'Male'
Female = 'Female'
Empty = 'Empty'
Play = 'Play'
ShopBuy = 'Buy'
# Chat
SecondaryText = 'Press Enter to talk...'
Map = 'Map'
All = 'All'
Party = 'Party'
Guild = 'Guild'
Private = 'Private'
# Menu alert
ServerOffline = 'The server is offline!'
ServerFull = 'The server is full. Try again later!'
ConnectionFailed = 'The connection failed!'
Insufficient = '%s must be at least %d characters!'
ForbiddenCharacter = 'The name can only contain letters, numbers and space!'
Kicked = 'You got kicked out!'
IPBanned = 'Your IP is banned!'
OldVersion = 'This version is old. Please update!'
AccBanned = 'Your account is banned!'
InvalidAccount = 'Invalid user or password!'
InvalidName = 'Invalid name!'
InvalidEmail = 'Invalid email!'
PasswordsNotMatch = 'Passwords do not match!'
IPBlocked = 'You missed the data 5 times. Your IP was blocked for 3 minutes!'
MultiAccount = 'User logged in!'
Inactivity = 'You have exceeded the maximum downtime!'
EnterPassword = 'The character will be permanently deleted and cannot be recovered. Please enter your password to confirm the deletion.'
AccExist = 'This user already exists!'
Successful = 'Account registered successfully!'
CharExist = 'This name is already in use!'
# Game alert
Teleported = 'You have been teleported.'
Pulled = 'You were pulled.'
Muted = 'You have been muted for 30 seconds.'
NonPvP = 'You can not attack here.'
AttackAdmin = 'You cannot attack an administrator.'
NotEnoughMoney = 'Insufficient money.'
NotSellItem = 'This shop does not buy items.'
NotTarget = 'You have no target.'
NotSeeTarget = 'You are not seeing the target.'
TargetNotInRange = 'Target out of range!'
InsufficientLevel = 'You do not have enough level to use this item.'
InsufficientMP = 'You do not have enough MP.'
GlobalSpawning = 'Wait 1 second to speak again in the global chat.'
NotAmmo = 'You have no ammo.'
NotPickUpDrop = 'You still can not get this item.'
NotHave = 'You do not have'
RequestDeclined = 'Your request was declined.'
FullInventory = 'Your inventory is full.'
FullTrade = 'The trade is full.'
FullBank = 'The bank is full.'
FullDrops = 'You cannot drop an item on the floor now.'
ProtectionLevel = 'You or your target does not have enough level to duel.'
WTypeNotEquipped = 'You have not equipped the type of weapon required to use this skill.'
EquipVIP = 'Only VIP players can use this equipment.'
DifferentSex = 'This protector was not made for your sex.'
SoulboundItem = 'This item is linked to your soul and cannot be traded, dropped or deposited.'
Blocked = 'was blocked.'
Unlocked = 'has been unlocked.'
Busy = 'This player is busy.'
Ask = 'Are you sure?'
Press = 'Press'
# Skills
Attack = 'Attack'
Support = 'Support'
# Friends
FullFriends = 'Your friends list is full.'
FriendAdded = 'has been added to your friends list.'
FriendExist = 'This player is already your friend.'
FriendRequest = 'wants to be your friend. Accept?'
Friend = 'Friend'
# Trade
TradeRequest = 'invited you for an trade. Accept?'
TradeComplete = 'wants to complete the trade. Accept?'
TradeDeclined = 'The trade was declined.'
TradeFinished = 'Trade finished.'
PlayerNotInRange = 'Player out of range.'
InTrade = 'You are already in an trade.'
Trade = 'Trade'
# Bank
Items = 'Items'
Weapons = 'Weapons'
Armors = 'Armors'
# Party
InParty = 'This player is already in a party.'
PartyRequest = 'invited you to a party. Accept?'
PartyMemberJoined = 'joined the party.'
PartyMemberLeave = 'left the party.'
DissolvedParty = 'Party dissolved.'
FullParty = 'Your party is full.'
NotParty = 'You are not in a party.'
# Guild
NewGuild = 'Guild creation'
YouInGuild = 'You are already in a guild.'
PlayerInGuild = 'is already in the guild'
GuildExist = 'This guild already exists.'
EmptyFlag = 'You did not draw the flag.'
NotGuildLeader = 'You are not the leader of the guild.'
FullGuild = 'Your guild is full.'
GuildRequest = 'invited you to the %s guild. Accept?'
NotGuild = 'You are not in a guild.'
Leader = 'Leader'
Member = 'Member'
Add = 'Add:'
NewLeader = 'New leader:'
Notice = 'Notice:'
Main = 'Main'
Manage = 'Manage'
# Description of items, weapons and protectors
Equipable = 'Equipable by'
NotEquipable = 'Not equipable by'
Consumable = 'Consumable:'
BaseDamage = 'Base damage:'
Soulbound = 'Soulbound'
TwoHanded = 'Two-handed weapon'
OneHanded = 'One-handed weapon'
ItemType = 'Type:'
Normal = 'Normal'
MPCost = 'MP cost:'
Hit = 'Hit:'
# Menu
Menu = 'Menu'
Configs = 'Settings'
BackLogin = 'Back to login'
BackSelection = 'Back to selection'
Quit = 'Leave game'
Music = 'Music:'
Sound = 'Sound:'
Resolution = 'Resolution:'
FullScreen = 'Full screen:'
FPS = 'FPS:'
Vsync = 'V-sync'
NoLimit = 'No limit'
# Titles
Teleport = 'Teleport'
Bank = 'Bank'
Amount = 'Amount'
Shop = 'Shop'
Alert = 'Alert'
NewChar = 'Character creation'
UseChar = 'Selection of characters'
# Quests
Quest = 'Quest'
Quests = 'Quests'
Dialogue = 'Dialogue'
Information = 'Information'
InProgress = 'In progress'
Completed = 'Completed'
StartQuest = 'You started the quest'
FinishQuest = 'You have completed the quest'
Rewards = 'Rewards:'
Item = 'Item'
Exp = 'Exp'
# Admin panel
SecondaryPanelText = "Enter the name or 'all'"
AdmPanel = 'Admin panel'
AlertMessage = 'Alert message:'
Motd = 'Motd:'
Banishment = 'Banishment:'
GlobalSwitch = 'Global switch:'
Days = 'Days'
ID = 'ID:'
Kick = 'Kick'
Mute = 'Mute'
Pull = 'Pull'
GoTo = 'Go to'
Change = 'Change'
BanAcc = 'Ban account'
BanIP = 'Ban IP'
Unban = 'Unban'
On = 'On'
Off = 'Off'
Teleport = 'Teleport'
GiveItem = 'Give item'
Send = 'Send'
# Buttons
Ok = 'Ok'
Go = 'Go'
Cancel = 'Cancel'
Yes = 'Yes'
No = 'No'
Create = 'Create'
Delete = 'Delete'
Accept = 'Accept'
Block = 'Block'
Unlock = 'Unlock'
Activated = 'Activated'
Disabled = 'Disabled'
# Minimap icons
Boss = 'Boss'
CheckPoint = 'Check point'
MaxLevel = 'Max level'
Última edição por Valentine em Qua Mar 27, 2024 11:29 am, editado 15 vez(es)
-JohnLennon- gosta desta mensagem
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