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[Eclipse Origins ] FullScreen

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Mensagem por AngeloAuditore Ter Dez 19, 2017 6:05 pm

Tutorial de outro forum!
Permite que o jogo fique em tela cheia ou fullscreen, dessa forma o jogo ficará mais interessante para o jogador..
•Nivel de Programação = 2/5
•Eclipse Origins(Não sei se funfa em outras Engine)

•Trata-se do Sistema de FullScreen elaborado por "Mitus" do Forum Internacional para o Eclipse Origins,com as dimensões em 800x600



No modConstant procure por:

 Public Const MAX_MAPX As Byte = 14
 Public Const MAX_MAPY As Byte = 11 

E mude para:

 Public Const MAX_MAPX As Byte = (800 / 32 - 1)
 Public Const MAX_MAPY As Byte = (608 / 32 - 1) 

\Server Finalized/
/Client Side \

No modConstants procure por:


Public Const MAX_MAPX As Byte = 14
 Public Const MAX_MAPY As Byte = 11 

E mude para:

 Public Const MAX_MAPX As Byte = (800 / 32 - 1)
 Public Const MAX_MAPY As Byte = (608 / 32 - 1) 

Depois procure por:

' running at the same time will be allowed to access the screen as well.
 Call DD.SetCooperativeLevel(frmMainGame.hWnd, DDSCL_NORMAL) 

E mude para:

' running at the same time will be allowed to access the screen as well.
 Call DD.SetCooperativeLevel(frmMainGame.hWnd, DDSCL_FULLSCREEN Or DDSCL_EXCLUSIVE)
 Call DD.SetDisplayMode(800, 600, 32, 0, DDSDM_DEFAULT) 

Agora crie um novo modulo chamado "modResolution" e dentro dele adicione:

 Declare Function EnumDisplaySettings Lib "user32" Alias "EnumDisplaySettingsA" (ByVal lpszDeviceName As   Long, ByVal iModeNum As Long, lptypDevMode As Any) As Boolean
 Declare Function ChangeDisplaySettings Lib "user32" Alias "ChangeDisplaySettingsA" (lptypDevMode As Any,   ByVal dwFlags As Long) As Long
 Declare Function ExitWindowsEx Lib "user32" (ByVal uFlags As Long, ByVal dwReserved As Long) As Long

 Public Const CCDEVICENAME = 32
 Public Const CCFORMNAME = 32
 Public Const DM_BITSPERPEL = &H40000
 Public Const DM_PELSWIDTH = &H80000
 Public Const DM_PELSHEIGHT = &H100000
 Public Const CDS_TEST = &H4

 Type typDevMODE
 dmDeviceName As String CCDEVICENAME
 dmSpecVersion As Integer
 dmDriverVersion As Integer
 dmSize As Integer
 dmDriverExtra As Integer
 dmFields As Long
 dmOrientation As Integer
 dmPaperSize As Integer
 dmPaperLength As Integer
 dmPaperWidth As Integer
 dmScale As Integer
 dmCopies As Integer
 dmDefaultSource As Integer
 dmPrintQuality As Integer
 dmColor As Integer
 dmDuplex As Integer
 dmYResolution As Integer
 dmTTOption As Integer
 dmCollate As Integer
 dmFormName As String CCFORMNAME
 dmUnusedPadding As Integer
 dmBitsPerPel As Integer
 dmPelsWidth As Long
 dmPelsHeight As Long
 dmDisplayFlags As Long
 dmDisplayFrequency As Long
 End Type 

Depois vai para o "frmMainGame" no topo ira encontrar por "Option Explicit "

Embaixo dele coloque:

  Dim ScreenWidth As Integer
  Dim ScreenHeight As Integer 

Depois procure por:


Private Sub Form_Load()
 picAdmin.Left = 10
 picCurrency.Left = txtMyChat.Left
 picCurrency.Top = txtMyChat.Top
 Me.width = 10545
 End Sub 

E mude para:

 Private Sub Form_Load()
 Dim typDevM As typDevMODE
 Dim lngResult As Long
 ScreenWidth = Me.ScaleWidth
 ScreenHeight = Me.ScaleHeight

lngResult = EnumDisplaySettings(0, 0, typDevM)

 With typDevM
 .dmPelsWidth = ScreenWidth 'ScreenWidth (640,800,1024, etc)
 .dmPelsHeight = ScreenHeight 'ScreenHeight (480,600,768, etc)
 End With
 ' Change the display settings to the specified graphics mode.
 lngResult = ChangeDisplaySettings(typDevM, CDS_TEST)

 picScreen.width = ScreenWidth
 picScreen.height = ScreenHeight

 picAdmin.Left = 10
 picCurrency.Left = txtMyChat.Left
 picCurrency.Top = txtMyChat.Top
 End Sub 

 Depois encontre "Private Sub imgExit_Click ()" e logo em seguida por:


txtChat.text = vbNullString 

E adicione embaixo:


Call DestroyGame 
Vai em "frmMainGame" na ferramenta ao lado mude:

 BorderStyle = 0-None
 StarUpPosition = 2-CenterScreen
 WindowState = 2-Maximized

 Em "frmMenu" nas ferramenta ao lado mude:


BorderStyle = 0-None BorderStyle = 0-None
 StarUpPosition = 2-CenterScreen 
 WindowState = 2-Maximized 

•Antes de fazer esse tutorial faça uma backup, e ao usa-lo no game não vai ter opção de deixar em Modo de Janela,mas tem como colocar essa opção com alguns if e tal

Agah [Vlad Hr]  :facepalm: !!

Mensagens : 40
Créditos : 42

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Nível: 1
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