Última edição por Kies em Seg Jul 26, 2021 8:41 am, editado 3 vez(es)
quimera555 escreveu:Me trollou legal agora !
Mais no caso a tradução e para o português para o inglês ?
# ** Vocab
# Esta classe trata do vocabulário.
# Autor: Valentine
module Vocab
# Entrada e registro
PASSWORD = 'Password'
EMAIL = 'E-mail'
REMEMBER = 'Remember?'
REGISTER = 'Register'
CONNECT = 'Conect'
ONLINE = 'Server on-line'
OFFLINE = 'Server off-line'
# Seleção de personagens
LEVEL = 'Level:'
# Criação de personagem
NAME = 'Name'
SEX = 'Sex:'
CLASS = 'Class:'
GRAPHIC = 'Graphic:'
POINTS = 'Points:'
MALE = 'Male'
FEMALE = 'Female'
# Bate-papo
MAP = 'Map'
GLOBAL = 'Global'
PRIVATE = 'Private'
INVALID_NAME = 'Invalid name!'
NOT_PVP = 'You can not attack this player or this place!'
NOT_ENOUGHMONEY = 'Not enough money!!'
# Alerta
SERVER_OFFLINE = 'The server is offline!'
INSUFFICIENT = '%s Must be at least 3 characters!'
FORBIDDEN_CHARACTER = 'Prohibited character!'
INVALID_USERNAME = 'Invalid or logged in user!'
INVALID_PASSWORD = 'Invalid password!'
INVALID_EMAIL = 'Invalid email!'
REGISTER_SUCESSFULL = 'Account registered successfully!'
ALREADY_EXISTS = 'This user already exists!'
CHAR_EXIST = 'This name is already being used!'
#OLD_VERSION = "This is a older version. \n Please update!"
KICKED = 'You were kicked out of the game!'
BANNED = 'You have been banned!'
TELEPORTED = 'You were teleported!'
ACCOUNT_BANNED = 'You have been banned until'
IP_BANNED = 'Your IP has been banned until'
#SERVER_FULL = "The server is full! \n Try again later!"
# Escolha
ASK = 'Are you sure?'
TRADE_REQUEST = 'Invited you to an trade. Accept?'
# Ajuda
CONSUMABLE = 'Consumable:'
SP_COST = 'Cost of SP:'
POWER = 'Power:'
HIT = 'Hit (%):'
EQUIPABLE = 'It can be equipped with'
NOT_EQUIPABLE = 'Can not be equipped with'
# Opções
LOGIN = 'Back to login'
EXIT = 'Exit the game'
# Troca
TRADE_DECLINED = 'Refused the trade.'
TRADE_COMPLETE = 'Wants to complete the trade. Accept?'
IN_TRADE = 'This player is already on an exchange.'
# Botões
OK = 'Ok'
CANCEL = 'Cancel'
YES = 'Yes'
NO = 'No'
ACCEPT = 'Accept'
DELETE = 'Delete'
CREATE = 'Create'
# Menus
MOTD = 'News'
LOGIN_ACC = 'Login'
CREATE_CHAR = 'Create char'
ALERT = 'Alert'
CHARACTER = 'Character'
OPTION = 'Options'
SHOP = 'Shop'
AMOUNT = 'Amount'
TRADE = 'Trade'