[NP4][ASK] BUG  or ??? (image) Hitskin_logo Hitskin.com

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[NP4][ASK] BUG or ??? (image)

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[NP4][ASK] BUG  or ??? (image) Empty [NP4][ASK] BUG or ??? (image)

Mensagem por jogadores Ter Ago 06, 2013 12:47 am

if seen another player.. monster not same ? Sad  how to can same ? Angel

and this picture in map and event ..

i'am using game.exe by cidi
[NP4][ASK] BUG  or ??? (image) 6dhw[NP4][ASK] BUG  or ??? (image) Rh9g


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[NP4][ASK] BUG  or ??? (image) Empty Re: [NP4][ASK] BUG or ??? (image)

Mensagem por DFox Ter Ago 06, 2013 10:37 am

This is a bug in the global mobs :/

I realized that sometimes things happen with delay "globally", but usually are with the characters.

Ah, and sorry my bad english, isn't very well.

mãe, tô no youtube

Mensagens : 819
Créditos : 63


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