Um sistema simples de dash :)
Ja aviso que tem alguns bugs, então se alguém tiver disponível a consertar pra deixar esse sistema perfeito eu agradeço.
Os bugs sao: Atravessar tiles type blocked, algumas vezes se usar o dash perto da parede pd dar subscript out of range no server.
no modEnumerations, procure por:
Antes do End Enum Adicione:
No final do modClientTCP adicione
Na frmMain na Sub Form_KeyPress procure por:
Abaixo adicione:
Client Finalizado, vamos ao server
no modEnumerations, procure por:
Antes do End Enum Adicione:
No modHandleData na sub InitMessages, antes do end sub adicione:
Ainda no modHandleData, no final do mod adicione:
Ja aviso que tem alguns bugs, então se alguém tiver disponível a consertar pra deixar esse sistema perfeito eu agradeço.
Os bugs sao: Atravessar tiles type blocked, algumas vezes se usar o dash perto da parede pd dar subscript out of range no server.
no modEnumerations, procure por:
- Código:
Public Enum ClientPackets
Antes do End Enum Adicione:
- Código:
No final do modClientTCP adicione
- Código:
Sub SendDash()
Dim Buffer As clsBuffer
' If debug mode, handle error then exit out
If Options.Debug = 1 Then On Error GoTo errorhandler
Set Buffer = New clsBuffer
Buffer.WriteLong CSendDash
SendData Buffer.ToArray()
Set Buffer = Nothing
' Error handler
Exit Sub
HandleError "SendDash", "modClientTCP", Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source, Err.HelpContext
Exit Sub
End Sub
Na frmMain na Sub Form_KeyPress procure por:
- Código:
' prevents textbox on error ding sound
If KeyAscii = vbKeyReturn Or KeyAscii = vbKeyEscape Then
KeyAscii = 0
End If
Abaixo adicione:
- Código:
' Troque o vkKeyS por outra tecla de sua preferencia
If KeyAscii = vbKeyS Then
Call SendDash
End If
Client Finalizado, vamos ao server
no modEnumerations, procure por:
- Código:
Public Enum ClientPackets
Antes do End Enum Adicione:
- Código:
No modHandleData na sub InitMessages, antes do end sub adicione:
- Código:
HandleDataSub(CSendDash) = GetAddress(AddressOf HandleUseDash)
Ainda no modHandleData, no final do mod adicione:
- Código:
Sub HandleUseDash(ByVal Index As Long)
Dim i As Long
Dim x As Long, y As Long
Dim xt As Long
Dim yt As Long
Dim xtt As Long
Dim ytt As Long
Dim n As Long
' see if cooldown has finished
If TempPlayer(Index).DashCD > GetTickCount Then
'PlayerMsg Index, "Aguarde para usar o Dash novamente.", BrightRed
Exit Sub
End If
' Tempo até o proximo uso do dash (2000 = 2 Segundos)
TempPlayer(Index).DashCD = GetTickCount * 2000
If Player(Index).Dir = 0 Then
xt = Player(Index).x
yt = Player(Index).y - 4 + 0
If xt > Map(Index).MaxX Then xt = Map(Index).MaxX
If yt > Map(Index).MaxY Then yt = Map(Index).MaxY
If xt < 1 Then xt = 1
If yt < 1 Then yt = 1
If Map(Index).Tile(xt, yt).Type = TILE_TYPE_WALKABLE Then
SetPlayerX Index, xt
SetPlayerY Index, yt
SendPlayerXYToMap Index
If yt < Player(Index).y Then
Do Until Map(Index).Tile(xt, yt).Type = TILE_TYPE_WALKABLE
yt = yt + 1
If yt < Player(Index).y Then
SetPlayerX Index, xt
SetPlayerY Index, yt
SendPlayerXYToMap Index
End If
If yt > Player(Index).y Then
Do Until Map(mapnum).Tile(xt, yt).Type = TILE_TYPE_WALKABLE
yt = yt - 1
If yt > Player(Index).y Then
SetPlayerX Index, xt
SetPlayerY Index, yt
SendPlayerXYToMap Index
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
If Player(Index).Dir = 1 Then
xt = Player(Index).x
yt = Player(Index).y + 4 - 0
If xt > Map(Index).MaxX Then xt = Map(Index).MaxX
If yt > Map(Index).MaxY Then yt = Map(Index).MaxY
If xt < 1 Then xt = 1
If yt < 1 Then yt = 1
If Map(Index).Tile(xt, yt).Type = TILE_TYPE_WALKABLE Then
SetPlayerX Index, xt
SetPlayerY Index, yt
SendPlayerXYToMap Index
If yt < Player(Index).y Then
Do Until Map(mapnum).Tile(xt, yt).Type = TILE_TYPE_WALKABLE
yt = yt + 1
If yt < Player(Index).y Then
SetPlayerX Index, xt
SetPlayerY Index, yt
SendPlayerXYToMap Index
End If
If yt > Player(Index).y Then
Do Until Map(Index).Tile(xt, yt).Type = TILE_TYPE_WALKABLE
yt = yt - 1
If yt > Player(Index).y Then
SetPlayerX Index, xt
SetPlayerY Index, yt
SendPlayerXYToMap Index
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
If Player(Index).Dir = 2 Then
xt = Player(Index).x - 4 + 0
yt = Player(Index).y
If xt > Map(Index).MaxX Then xt = Map(Index).MaxX
If yt > Map(Index).MaxY Then yt = Map(Index).MaxY
If xt < 1 Then xt = 1
If yt < 1 Then yt = 1
If Map(Index).Tile(xt, yt).Type = TILE_TYPE_WALKABLE Then
Call SendAnimation(GetPlayerMap(Index), 6, GetPlayerX(Index), GetPlayerY(Index), 0, 0)
SetPlayerX Index, xt
SetPlayerY Index, yt
SendPlayerXYToMap Index
If xt < Player(Index).x Then
Do Until Map(Index).Tile(xt, yt).Type = TILE_TYPE_WALKABLE
xt = xt + 1
If xt < Player(Index).x Then
SetPlayerX Index, xt
SetPlayerY Index, yt
SendPlayerXYToMap Index
End If
If xt > Player(Index).x Then
Do Until Map(mapnum).Tile(xt, yt).Type = TILE_TYPE_WALKABLE
xt = xt - 1
If xt > Player(Index).x Then
SetPlayerX Index, xt
SetPlayerY Index, yt
SendPlayerXYToMap Index
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
If Player(Index).Dir = 3 Then
xt = Player(Index).x + 4 - 0
yt = Player(Index).y
If xt > Map(Index).MaxX Then xt = Map(Index).MaxX
If yt > Map(Index).MaxY Then yt = Map(Index).MaxY
If xt < 1 Then xt = 1
If yt < 1 Then yt = 1
If Map(Index).Tile(xt, yt).Type = TILE_TYPE_WALKABLE Then
Call SendAnimation(GetPlayerMap(Index), 7, GetPlayerX(Index), GetPlayerY(Index), 0, 0)
SetPlayerX Index, xt
SetPlayerY Index, yt
SendPlayerXYToMap Index
If xt < Player(Index).x Then
Do Until Map(Index).Tile(xt, yt).Type = TILE_TYPE_WALKABLE
xt = xt + 1
If xt < Player(Index).x Then
SetPlayerX Index, xt
SetPlayerY Index, yt
SendPlayerXYToMap Index
End If
If Not Player(Index).Map <= 0 Then
If xt > Player(Index).x Then
Do Until Map(mapnum).Tile(xt, yt).Type = TILE_TYPE_WALKABLE
xt = xt - 1
If xt > Player(Index).x Then
SetPlayerX Index, xt
SetPlayerY Index, yt
SendPlayerXYToMap Index
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Última edição por Itukakitu em Dom Ago 05, 2018 4:31 pm, editado 1 vez(es)